Another Rendition of Brinn

This is Brinn Ea Drihallin, done by Patricia Leonardo Cavalieri.

Brinn is an immortal.  He’s not an Elf from LOTR, but there are similarities.  The illuminar are taller than mortal man, the males reaching 6′ 6″, and the women slightly over 6′  Their hair is golden, and their eyes are a volcanic blue.  They are lithe, yet while flexible, supple, and with smooth flowing movement, they still appear muscular, and almost adonis-like.  They are of “perfect form”.  They are less emotional than humans, and have a more calm appearance.  They aren’t like the Vulcan’s however!  They can and will get angry and emotional.  Brinn wears the shiny black armor of the same metal as his Nyakil.  It is etched with beautiful emerald green scrollwork, and he wears a green cloak, denoting he is of the ancient emerald brigade.  An excerpt describes them well:
The malevolent wind seemed intent upon thwarting Brinn’s commands as it drove clouds in from the east turning the sky dark grey.  The howling gale swirled around the tall Illuminar in a stinging maelstrom of dust and debris that sent his long golden locks streaming out behind him as if each gilded strand had come alive.  Sand stung Brinn’s eyes, reducing his sight to nearly that of mere mortals.  Normally able to hear a whisper through a foot of solid stone, today Brinn’s tapered ears were overwhelmed; he could barely hear the sound of his own voice.  The conditions only made Brinn more determined.  An intense look of resolve replaced the ageless splendor in his tan, chiseled face.  He would not be denied. 
     Sheathing his sword, Brinn cupped his hands to his mouth and repeated his orders.  “Stand against the enemy!  We must hold this line!”  His voice rang out with the confidence that came from commanding a division for over a thousand years.  He was an Illuminar, of course.  An Immortal.
Another example is here, from the ancient scrolls describing the first meeting of illuminar and avanyar:
“How glorious was their first appearing, when they rode down from the hills upon their winged white stallions, their golden locks trailing in the wind.  They were tall, lithe yet strong, and a golden light shone in their tan faces.  Their hair was pulled back to reveal their ears, tapering to points like elm tree leaves.  Their armor was of a strange metal, repeated in their swords, long and straight.  Yet, they wielded not those blades, but sheathed them as they reached us.  Their band rode straight to us and then halted as one.  They dismounted from their steeds, leapt down from small, ornately tooled saddles, and their leader presented his sword to us, laid across upward-turned palms in a gesture of friendship.  And so, we first met with the Illuminar, the immortal race of old, who sought our help against their age-old enemy, The Demon Lord.”

A Painting of Brinn

This is Brinn Ea Drihallin, the only one of the immortal race calling themselves the illuminar who is left in the world of the mortal avanyar.  This was drawn by my friend June Jennsen.

A painting of Erinwe

The second painting of my characters.  This is Erinwe of the Rhiannon, a Knight of the Realm.  Work done by June Jennsen.

inwe:  She has the red hair and green eyes of her mother the queen, who died in childbirth (she shares the loss of her mother with Rand).  Erinwe is bright eyed, jovial, an unfailing optimist, quick to laugh, and breathtakingly beautiful.  She’s about 5′ 7″, and 120 lbs.  She was always a tomboy, more interested in becoming a knight than a stateswoman.  Luckily, men and women in the Realm are equally capable fighters and welcomed into knighthood, as long as they can pass the clannad, the test of knighthood.  She’s a practical joker, and more than makes up for her lacking the strength of larger men with her wicked mastery of sword and bow.  She remembers Rand from their meeting years earlier, and she grows fond of him watching him confront his demons and because of his bravery agains tremendous odds.  Of course, she falls for him.  Erinwe is a Knight of the Realm, and she carries a Nyakil along with a long bow, and she wears the bright, purple tinged armor denoting her rank as a knight.  The armor is not adorned with fancy scrollwork, but is beautiful in it’s simplicity.