The Back Page

The world of Eilean Reul has been without magic for centuries. War over the Septenaria, the jeweled sources of the seven elements of magic, destroyed them long ago and magic was lost. The memory of that ancient war has faded into obscurity until all that remains are tales of myth and legend.

But the monks of Shadowyn remember.

They are ever watchful, their vigilance undimmed down the long march of time. They await the coming of the Zadahrathi, who alone can rekindle the powers of elemental magic to prevent the Fallen God from destroying the world. When rumors of a strange boy with the gift of spirit-sight reach their lofty halls, the monks of Shadowyn suspect they’ve found their Zadahrathi. The magic of the seven elements has returned.

Rumors of elemental magic spread like summer wildfire across the continents, and the stories of a boy with spirit-sight throw the known world into a panic. The return of elemental magic heralds the arrival of the Fallen God and many fear the end of the world is at hand. But not everyone is afraid. Magic equals power. There is rejoicing in dark places as an ancient lust to possess that power reawakens.

Now, three armies find themselves on the brink of war.

First is the Darkken horde, who seek to reignite the ancient war to make way for the Fallen God, who has escaped the Void and is on a quest of revenge to destroy all Creation.

Second are the greycoats of Nightedge, who desire to conquer the known world. They worship the Twilight, that brief moment between daylight and darkness when the world is in shadow, and they can tolerate no other beliefs. Led by a Druin warrior-priest, their strength grows daily as more and more countries fall under their merciless rule.

Third are the twelve united clans of Bregainne, who worship the Light and stand for peace. As they prepare to defend their homeland against the evil tyranny of both greycoats and Darkkens, they know the real threat is the Fallen God.

With the threat of war looming, Shadowyn monks fan out through Bregainne in a frantic search for the mysterious boy with spirit-sight. They are not alone in their hunt, for Darkken spies and greycoat assassins both seek to eliminate him, their only true threat. The rumors lead them all to the small village of Cheyne and a disheveled street urchin, all but orphaned, who lives in the detritus of the village sewers. The fate of the World lies with this timid boy who possesses both tremendous power and debilitating weakness; the gift of spirit element magic and a paralyzing fear of everything, even darkness itself. And now the forces of Light, of Darkness, and of Twilight have all learned his name.

Zanevon Ryke.