Had a great day on Saturday at Wyoming Author Day in Torrington, Wyoming. Made some great contacts that I’d like to share:
My tablemate, Steven Bates, is a wonderful author of poetry that deals with PTSD, Depression, Suicide, Deployments, Low spots, High spots, even romance and comedy, pride and Patriotism! He offers his books to anyone suffering from depression, PTSD, etc. free of charge. I hope you will check out his site at:
- Steven Bates – www.poemspeak.com
I met several Cheyenne fantasy writers and I am hoping to create a writer’s group or online writing group to work more with these authors in the near future. Please check out their work!
- Helen Pugsley – Helenmpugsley.wordpress.com
- Josh Walker – Josh Walker’s Books
- J.K. Creswell – Niaku: Heirs of Fate
I also connected with two publishers who gave great talks on getting that manuscript to publication. I thank them both for their insight.
- Aaron Linsdau, Chief Editor – Sastrugi Press
- Patricia Landy, Publisher – Crystal Publishing, LLC
Last but not least, I met with Deanna Estes, who provides complete book branding services, including Cover Design, Interior Design, and promotional kits.
- Deanna Estes – Lotus Design
Sold some books and had a great networking experience. A special thanks to Helen Pugsley, Joan Brinkley, and all the great folks at the Goshen County Library for making it all happen. Thank you!