R is for Rodeo

R is for Rodeo. This is the original sport of cowboys. Cheyenne Frontier Days is a Wyoming rodeo and western celebration that has been held every year since 1897. It is one of the world’s largest outdoor rodeos.

Pick up my book “Wyoming From A to Z” on Amazon at https://goo.gl/guBBbE or at Barnes and Noble at https://goo.gl/vmNpDr

P is for Pronghorn

P is for Pronghorn Antelope. They are among the fastest animals in North America. They live on the wide-open plains and can reach speeds of more than 53 miles an hour. Both males and females have horns. They also have incredible eyesight and can see for miles.

Pick up my book “Wyoming From A to Z” on Amazon at https://goo.gl/guBBbE or at Barnes and Noble at https://goo.gl/vmNpDr

O is for Old Faithful

O if for Old Faithful. It is the most famous geyser in Yellowstone Park. It is famous for erupting at regular intervals and has done so for many years. More than one million eruptions have been recorded.

Pick up my book “Wyoming From A to Z” on Amazon at https://goo.gl/guBBbE or at Barnes and Noble at https://goo.gl/vmNpDr

N is for Nellie Tayloe Ross

N is for Nellie Tayloe Ross. When elected governor of Wyoming in 1925, she was the first woman elected governor in the United States. She later served as the director of the U.S. Mint.

Pick up my book “Wyoming From A to Z” on Amazon at https://goo.gl/guBBbE or at Barnes and Noble at https://goo.gl/vmNpDr