A painting of Rille Ea Forentialle

Rille Ea Forentialle is of the illuminar race, and is much the same as her husband Brinn, though in a sense has a more far-seeing look in her blue eyes, for she was the last to possess the Kallah, which was the inner voice.  Now, though, she has a harried, slightly dirty, slightly angry, slightly demented look about her, because she has lost her soul, and the voices of demons run through her head.  She is fighting a constant battle to hold them at bay, and the weariness of that war within her head shows on her face.  Her armor is scrolled with silver, denoting she is of the silver guard.  Several pieces of armor are missing, as she has not kept up with her maintenance, being distracted by the demons within.  Rille is 6′ and about 135 lbs.

This painting is also by Patricia Leonardo Cavalieri.