Nothing Rhymes with Kennedy

“Nothing Rhymes with Kennedy”
Completed, 563-word children’s book/picture book manuscript. Seeking literary agent representation.

Kennedy got off the bus.
She ran inside and threw a fuss.
Her mother asked, “how was school today?”
She didn’t answer right away.
She dropped her backpack on the floor.
And ran to her room and slammed the door.
She didn’t want her after-school snack.
“I’m not hungry. Put it back.”

excerpt from “Nothing Rhymes with Kennedy”

Liam Looked Up

416-word Children’s Picture Book Manuscript completed. Seeking Agent representation.

Liam loved to play outside.
He’d run and jump and swing and slide.
Whether playing with toys or climbing a tree,
Outdoors was where Liam wanted to be.
One day, Liam heard a funny sound.
He stopped to listen. It was all around.
He heard it again, a rustling sound, and then a whoooosh, very near.
He looked but saw nothing to his left or his right, so he followed the sound with his ear.
Liam looked up.

excerpt from “Liam Looked Up”